We are starting a series of free webinars – 1 webinar on February 9, 2023 at 17:30!

We invite everyone willing to a series of free webinars entitled “Supporting mothers in the proper nutrition of children in crisis”. Among the speakers, outstanding Polish specialists and foreign experts in the field of nutrition and As part of the project implemented by the Bank Mleka Kobiecego Foundation together with partners: the Medical University of Warsaw, FHI 360 and Medius sp. expanding the knowledge of medical staff on the principles of proper nutrition for children whose mothers experience difficulties in the perinatal period.

Among the speakers there are outstanding Polish specialists, e.g. doctors, nutritionists, lactation consultants, psychologists and lawyers as well as foreign experts in the field of nutrition and crisis management who accepted the invitation of dr hab. Aleksandra Wesołowska from the University Laboratory of Milk and Lactation Research of the Medical University of Warsaw and Dr. Alessandro Iellamo from FHI360. Dr. Wesołowska and Mrs. Iellamo will also conduct the first webinar entitled “Feeding infants in crisis situations: global recommendations and comments on their adaptation in developed countries”, which will take place on February 9, 2023 at 17:30.

A series of webinars is organized as part of the project: Support and promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and appropriate practices in the field of feeding infants and small children of Ukrainian and Polish mothers in a crisis situation in Poland. The project is implemented by the Bank of Women’s Milk Foundation on behalf of the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF.

The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Health.

Registration on the website: https://zywaniedzieciwkryzysie.medius.com.pl/ 



Fundacja Bank Kobiecego Mleka - dwie krople w kwadracie    Unicef logotyp

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