

Human Bank Milk Foundation office 
Zwolenska str. 81/14,
04-761 Warsaw, Poland 

Vat number 1182056543
tel.:  + 48 534 090 487


Invoice data:

Fundacja  Bank Mleka Kobiecego
NIP 1182056543
Podkowy 128j,
04-937 Warszawa,

KRS 0000 329 961
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register



Every drop of milk counts, to make more of them donate 1.5% to the Human Milk Bank Foundation

KRS 0000 329 961

Or make a donation
Bank account:
Bank BGŻBNPParibas
10 2030 0045 1110 0000 0345 7490

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