Options for feeding children in emergency: breastfeeding, re-lactation, milk sharing and wet nursing. Programming for infant formula dependent babies.

25 May 2023 at 17:30-19.00

Options for feeding children in emergency: breastfeeding, re-lactation, milk sharing and wet nursing. Programming for infant formula dependent babies.

Breastfeeding is the safest and best form of nutrition for infants and young children in an emergency, but it is not always possible. During the next webinar in the series, “Supporting Mothers in Child Nutrition in Emargencies,” Dr. Julia Smith and Prof. Barbara Królak-Olejnik will talk about how extremely important it is to educate and offer mothers various other forms of feeding their children through, for example, breastmilk sharing or wet-nursing, i.e, breastfeeding a child by a woman other than its biological mother. Such forms of feeding often stem from the natural need of mothers in a very difficult situation to support each other. Once the initial difficulties of the crisis are under control, the mother can also be offered to return to breastfeeding after a long break through relactation (relactation can also be undertaken in women who have not previously breastfed and in adoptive mothers). When none the above methods is not feasible, then formula feeding should be introduced with special care. Dr. Andrea Horwath will present the main principles of how to safely plan the feeding of infants dependent on modified milk.


Julie P Smith B Ec (Hons)/B A (Asian Studies), PhD, College of Health and Medicine, Australian National University.

Dr Smith is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and Honorary Associate Professor at the Australian National University. Her research focusses on the economics and regulation of markets in mothers' milk, and on environmental impacts of milk formula. She was an Expert Panel Member for the US Surgeon-General's Call to Action on breastfeeding, and led consultancies to the World Health Organization and Australia’s Department of Health. She has published over 65 peer-reviewed articles, is an Associate Editor for the International Breastfeeding Journal, and reviews for journals including Pediatrics, Bulletin of the WHO, and Health Policy and Planning. She was formerly an economist in the Australian government.

Prof. Barbara Królak-Olejnik, MD, PhD

Head of the Department of Neonatology at the University Clinical Hospital in Wroclaw (since 2012). She worked for many years as Head of the Neonatology Department in the Department of Obstetrics and Reproductive Sciences and then Perinatology and Gynecology in Zabrze. She was president of the Polish Society of Lactation Consultants and Advisors (until 2021) and is a member of the European Society of Human Milk Banks, the Polish Society of Neonatology and the Polish Pediatric Society. She received a scholarship from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Norway in 1994-1999, and was awarded the Silver Badge of Merit for the Lower Silesian Region, the Silver Cross of Merit from the President of the Republic of Poland, the Gold Medal for Long Service from the President of the Republic of Poland, and was recognized by the Minister of Health for her contributions to health care. In her clinical and scientific work, she focuses on perinatal care, natural nutrition of newborns and infants including patients treated in the NICU, variability of breast milk composition depending on perinatal maternal risk factors (preterm labor, hypertension, diabetes mellitus) and duration of lactation, respiratory failure and the need for treatment in the NICU of neonates from multiple pregnancies, non-invasive ventilation method and diagnosis of TORCH intrauterine infections. She is the author and co-author of 300 published papers, editor of 5 monographs, including 2 textbooks.

Andrea Horvath, MD, PhD

pediatrician, gastroenterologist - has headed the nutrition team at the Department of Pediatrics at Warsaw Medical University for more than 10 years. She is an active member of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and Secretary of the Food Allergy Section of the Polish Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (PTGHiŻDz). Her main interests include diet-related diseases, feeding difficulties in children, nutritional disorders and functional abdominal pain. She is honing her substantive and practical skills under the supervision of Professor Hanna Szajewska, always in the spirit of evidence-based and evidence-informed medicine - resulting in the co-authorship of many guidelines on nutrition and food allergies.


Pozostałe webinary

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