Protection and support of breastfeeding in emergencies
9 March 2023 at 17:30-19.00
Protection and support of breastfeeding in emergencies.
In an emergency, crisis situation, pregnant women and mothers of infants and young children experience tremendous stress due to uncertainty and fear for their own and their babies’ health. Although it is known that breastfeeding is the safest and best form of feeding children in such situations, not all mothers choose to do so. Their mental state and the opportunities provided by support organizations and medical facilities have a significant impact on whether they decide to start or continue breastfeeding. In the next webinar in the series “Supporting Mothers in Child Feeding in Crisis,” Professor Agnela Giusti and Dr. Magdalena Nehring-Gugulska, M.D., will not only present the barriers and problems faced by mothers in crisis, but will also outline clear and transparent principles on how to support and encourage exclusive breastfeeding.

Prof. Angela Giusti

Magdalena Nehring – Gugulska, PhD
Pozostałe webinary
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