Breastfeeding and nutrition counseling in emergencies.

27 April 2023 at 17:30-19.00

Breastfeeding and nutrition counseling in emergencies.

In the event of a natural disaster or war, there is a huge risk of malnutrition among people affected by the crisis, especially among the youngest. Therefore, ensuring proper nutrition of infants and young children is especially important when there is no food on store shelves, when humanitarian aid provided by various organizations provides products that are not always appropriate for infants and small children, when there is no access to clean water and hygiene products when nursing mothers lose their milk. During the 4th webinar entitled: “Lactation and nutritional counseling in crisis situations.” as part of the series “Supporting mothers in feeding children in crisis”, Jodine Chase, Dr. Agnieszka Bzikowska-Jura and Malwina Okrzesik will not only present the most important assumptions regarding the nutrition of infants and young children in emergency situations, but also advise what lactation counseling should look like and how plan a supplementary diet for infants after 6 months of age in these special situations.


Jodine Chase

Jodine Chase is the Emergency Nutrition Network's Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group Facilitator, overseeing the development of global policy guidance and training resources to fill gaps that hamper programming on infant and young child feeding support in emergencies. She is an infant and maternal health advocate who has worked in various roles including as operations and communications lead for a Canadian Midwifery Association. She is co-founder of SafelyFed Canada, a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the protection of infants and young children in emergencies through policies to support safe and appropriate feeding. Jodine is also a public relations and communications professional specializing in issues and crisis management. She is also currently the community manager for a global Quality Maternal and Newborn Care (QMNC) Research Alliance.

Agnieszka Bzikowska-Jura, PhD

Clinical dietitian, research and teaching assistant at the Laboratory for Research on Breast Milk and Lactation, operating at the Department of Medical Biology of the Medical University of Warsaw. Her clinical activities are focused primarily on nutritional counseling for pregnant and lactating women and children. Scientifically, she is associated with research aimed at identifying and analyzing factors affecting the composition of breast milk, with particular emphasis on the diet and nutritional status of the mother. She completed an international training with IYCF-E and is a co-editor of the first monograph available on the Polish market on Nutrition of Infants and Young Children in Crisis Situations (available from April 2023).

Malwina Okrzesik

psychologist, IBCLC lactation consultant, graduate of Postgraduate Studies in Humanitarian Aid at the University of Warsaw and empathic communication trainer. President of the Well Born Association, which in 2022 collected almost a million zlotys in the Well Born for Ukraine project for direct support for women giving birth and maternity hospitals in war zones. A member of the Polish Society of Lactation Consultants and Advisors and its European counterpart - ELACT. Author of many educational materials about breastfeeding intended for parents. Currently a member of the team appointed by the Minister of Health for preparing a nutrition strategy for infants and young children in crisis situations.


Pozostałe webinary

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