WHO guidelines for ethical distribution of modified milk in emergencies.
30 March 2023 at 17:30-19.00
WHO guidelines for ethical distribution of modified milk in emergencies.
The marketing activities of companies producing breastmilk substitutes should be strictly controlled. To this end, in 1981 the Assembly of the World Health Organization adopted the Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (WHO Code) which is a tool to limit unethical marketing practices negatively affecting breastfeeding rates. Poland, as one of the WHO member countries, has also pledged to comply with the Code. However, in emergency situations, when the lives of the little ones are at stake, there is a lot of abuse by companies producing formula. During the 3rd webinar in the series “Supporting Mothers in Child Nutrition in Crisis,” Patti Rundall and Anna Koronkiewicz-Wiórek will not only present the assumptions of the WHO Code, but also advise on how to protect breastfeeding in situations of crisis and on what terms to distribute milk replacers, if necessary.

Patti Rundall

Anna Koronkiewicz-Wiórek, PhD
Pozostałe webinary
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