WHO guidelines for ethical distribution of modified milk in emergencies.

30 March 2023 at 17:30-19.00

WHO guidelines for ethical distribution of modified milk in emergencies.

The marketing activities of companies producing breastmilk substitutes should be strictly controlled. To this end, in 1981 the Assembly of the World Health Organization adopted the Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (WHO Code) which is a tool to limit unethical marketing practices negatively affecting breastfeeding rates. Poland, as one of the WHO member countries, has also pledged to comply with the Code. However, in emergency situations, when the lives of the little ones are at stake, there is a lot of abuse by companies producing formula. During the 3rd webinar in the series “Supporting Mothers in Child Nutrition in Crisis,” Patti Rundall and Anna Koronkiewicz-Wiórek will not only present the assumptions of the WHO Code, but also advise on how to protect breastfeeding in situations of crisis and on what terms to distribute milk replacers, if necessary.


Patti Rundall

Originally trained as an artist and teacher, Patti Rundall has campaigned to protect child health from predatory marketing since 1980, leading the Nestlé Boycott and helping many governments bring in legally binding controls on the marketing activities of transnational corporations. Conflicts of interest(COI) and its impact on policy-making, research, education, and health systems is a cross cutting theme of her work and she helped strengthen EU baby food legislation, the transparency and COI rules of the EU’s scientific advisory bodies. She has helped improve Codex global trading standards, most recently helping to ensure that the International Code and Resolutions are mentioned clearly in the revised Follow-Up formula standard. She helped prompt the first WHA Resolution on COI in 1996 and founded and launched the Conflicts of Interest Coalition at the UN General Assembly in 2011. She is a member of many networks, including the Baby Feeding Law Group and the Infant Feeding in Emergencies core group and represented IBFAN on the European Commission's Platform for Action on Diet and Physical Activity from 2007 until 2019

Anna Koronkiewicz-Wiórek, PhD

advocate and Breastfeeding Promoter, member of IBFAN, serves as President of the Board of Directors of the Breastfeeding Protection, Promotion and Support Association and as a member of the Team under the Ministry of Health for the preparation of the Infant and Young Child Feeding Strategy in Emergencies (IYCF-E). She is the author of the "Law and Lactation" information and education website. Her current research and advocacy interests focus mainly on the topic of legal protection of breastfeeding and IYCF-E. She has completed, among others, Postgraduate Studies in Medical Law and Bioethics at the University of Wroclaw, the Introductory Course on the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, and international trainings on IYCF-E, application of WBTi (World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative) tools at the national level, lactation relaxation and lactation massage

Pozostałe webinary

Protection and support of breastfeeding in emergencies 9 March 2023

Protection and support of breastfeeding in emergencies 9 March 2023 at 17:30-19.00 Protection and support of breastfeeding in emergencies. In an emergency, crisis situation, pregnant women and mothers of infants and young children experience tremendous stress due to...

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